Life Stories

Jeg har startet et bofællesskab for unge med individuelle støttebehov i Aalborg. Sangene popper op  og jeg har det fint med at skrive disse meget indfølte sange om folk omkring mig på engelsk. Jeg opdager at Nashville også er til bluesrock og jeg trives i Masterlink Studio  hvor Roy Orbison år forinden indspillede "Pretty Woman".

GUCD 9 Gurre Records 2000
Life Stories By Ole Berthelsen*
Produced by Charlie McCoy
Recorded by Chad Hailey

Charlie McCoy: Harp, Bass, Xylophone, Backing Vocals
on track 6.
Bill Hulett Acc. Guitar. El Guitar, 12-string El-Guitar,
Lap Steel Guitar, Spanish Guitar.
Tony Migliore: Grand Piano, Hammond Organ, Keyboard.
Keny Malone: Drums
Russ Hicks: Pedal Steel Guitar
Flemming Osterman: Acc. Guitar tracks 4 & 9, Backing Vocals
Laney Hicks: Vocals on track 10

Recording Assistant: David Henson

John Mayfield cut the master at Mayfield Studio, Nashville.

* Bartenders Blues by James Taylor

Life Stories are small everyday snatches from real life –
situations and thoughts, drawn from my work and
contacts with people. Chris Worrall gave me a helping
hand with the words. Flemming Ostermann guided me
through the rough takes in Copenhagen – arranged
the backing vocals and lent a critical ear during the
sessions in Nashville. Charlie McCoy captured the
keys – arranged and produced the music. Chad Hailey
set the sliders to a great sound

Life Stories is real life music recorded at Masterlink Studio,
Nashville Tenessee on 12, 14, 15 May 2000

Thank You folks for helping make Life Stories into a god Story